Volta VX1 logo
AI Companion Designed for the Assessment of Complex AF & AT during ablation procedures.1
Volta AF-Xplorer™
Mapping System
Blue dots correspond to tagged dispersion areas.
EP Recording System
Volta AF-Xplorer brings the acute and long-term outcomes of expert electrophysiologists inside the EP lab,1 by automatically detecting dispersed electrograms, indicative of arrhythmia’s drivers.3
Rapid Analysis graphic with stopwatch


Guides real-time decision-making with machine learning algorithms including deep learning algorithms.1

Data Driven graphic with database


Algorithms trained on a very large database of EGMs, annotated by expert electrophysiologists.1


Extended compatibility with most EP recording, 3D navigation systems and mapping catheters, which allows for a tailored and intuitive workflow2, 4..


Compatibility with the last generation of catheters.
Improved workflow thanks to the automatic tagging of regions harboring dispersion with EnSite X.1

Simple User Interface for Real-Time Regions of Interest Identification.
Volta Medical user interface sample graphic
1. AUTOTAGGING: Allows for the automated tagging of regions of interest on the mapping system (only available with EnSite X).1

2. DISPERSION INDICATOR: Multipolar electrogram abnormality associated with the perpetuation of atrial fibrillation. Red: highly dispersed electrograms. Orange: dispersed electrograms. Blue: non-dispersed electrograms.1

3. MAPPING CATHETER: Steerable, multipolar electrode catheter. Allows for the recording of the heart’s local electrical activity.1
4. BOOSTER MODE: May be activated during AT or slow AF to increase software sensitivity.1

5. REFERENCE CYCLE LENGTH: Atrial cycle length estimated from real-time recordings obtained with the coronary sinus catheter.1

6. MAPPING CYCLE LENGTH: Local cycle length estimated from real-time recordings obtained with the mapping catheter. 1
Evidence Mapping graphic with clipboard
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